Monday, 24 February 2020

The Most Common Causes of Infertility in Women and Men

For any couple trying to start a family, and Infertility diagnosis can be shattering. Most doctors recommend couples visit a fertility specialist if they haven’t been able to conceive even after a year of unprotected sex. For women above 35, this duration falls to six months. In India, infertility has become a growing cause for concern. Going by current estimates, around 1 in 5 Indian couples will experience problems with infertility. Understanding Infertility could help couples take steps to manage their condition. Here are the most common causes of infertility faced by men and women today.

Causes of Male Infertility

Historically, the reasons for infertility have always been attributed to women. However, male and female factors contribute to infertility equally at 40 percent. In the remaining number of cases, there are usually issues with both. Male infertility is often more difficult to diagnose than female infertility because symptoms do not show up early. The following are the most common causes of male infertility.

1. Varicoceles are enlarged veins in the scrotum which can lead to complications with normal sperm production. It is one of the most common causes of male infertility, but luckily, it is also reversible.

 2. Retrograde ejaculation Even if a man has healthy sperm, problems with ejaculation can prevent conception. Retrograde ejaculation, also known as dry ejaculation, occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of coming out of the penis.

3. Tubal issues Sperm travels through many different tubes before it finally exits the penis at the time of ejaculation. If any of these tubes are blocked, it might lead to low sperm count and as a result, infertility.

4. Infections, especially those that are left untreated for a long time, can cause significant damage to the sperm and tubes. STIs such as gonorrhea can cause inflammation of the testicles as well as the epididymis.

Causes of Infertility in Women Infertility in women can sometimes be detected early on because it can result from hormonal disruptions. Apart from hormonal factors, there are also multiple other factors that can cause infertility in women. These are the most common causes of infertility in women.


One of the first symptoms of endometriosis is heavy and painful periods. During normal menstruation, the uterine lining formed in anticipation of pregnancy sheds and is removed from the body. However, when a woman has endometriosis, the uterine lining does not completely shed. Instead, it attaches to other parts of the body.

2.Irregular periods

If a woman regularly experiences irregular periods, then ovulation cycles can be unpredictable. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is one of the most common reasons for irregular periods in women and is also a major cause of female infertility.
Age, fallopian tube issues and lifestyle changes are few other factors in women but don't let any of this shatter your will to be parents as Dr. Neeraj pahlajani will help you throughout the process. Visit pahlajani test tube baby center soon.

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